The Show at Brockhampton 2019: Schedule, Recipes, Entry Form, Dog Show Classes etc

The Show at Brockhampton 2019 will be held on Saturday 24th August from 1:00pm – 4:30pm in the Show Field and Village Hall, Brockhampton,GL54 5XH

The theme this year is ‘Country and Western’
Click here to download the poster (PDF).

Click here to Download the Schedule of Classes and Prizes

Click Here to Download Rules, Entry Form, Programme of Events and Dog Show Categories.

Click Here to Download the two Cake Recipes

The Show at Brockhampton 2019: Become a ‘Friend of the Show’

The Show at Brockhampton

Saturday 24th August 2019

After last year’s successful Caribbean themed show, when the sun obligingly shone all day, your Show committee has elected to continue with theming and this year it will be Country and Western (no guns please) . Ten gallon hats, chaps, and rhinestone boots are encouraged and a great opportunity for children’s fancy dress.

It was wonderful to welcome so many people to the Show ground last year and we look forward to seeing lots of familiar faces and newcomer and their children and dogs this year.

We hope the growing weather this year will not be as unpredictable as 2018 (so far, so good) and that there will be a greater number of entries to the traditional garden flower and produce displays. Always VERY competitive. The Rhodes Memorial Hall will again house its many attractions as in previous years.

The Show is a not-for-profit event and any surplus that is made is distributed among the 3 Parishes. Last year funds were shared between Sevenhampton and Charlton Abbots Churches (£800), Hawling Church (£500) and Rhodes Hall (£700)

Many people support us by becoming fully paid-up ‘Friends of the Show’ and receive the extra benefits that Friends enjoy, as explained on the enrolment form.

I hope that I can encourage you to support us and become Friends, and if you are comfortable with on-line banking it would be greatly appreciated if you could make your payment by electronic bank transfer. Better still, we would love you to become regular Friends of the Show (and we sincerely hope you do) in which case would you be kind enough to consider setting up a standing order, payable on 1st June each year. This would be of tremendous help to the committee.

We are most grateful for the help we receive from Friends, and others, with hands-on support, and we would be very grateful if you could help us too. This could involve pre-Show setting up and post-Show taking down in the field, plus help on the day itself, with car park marshalling, the running of stalls, and contributions to the tombola, raffle, end of Show auction etc. There is more information for you on the membership application form.

We look forward to receiving your membership applications and once again welcoming everybody to the Show in August.

CLick Here to Download the Friends Membership Form

Thank you.

John Bashford, Friends of the Show Officer

Home: 01242 821123

Mobile: 07774 210 989
