October Film – “Viceroy’s House” cert 12A

Thursday 12th October – Doors Open 7:00 for 7:30pm

Rhodes Memorial Hall, Brockhampton, GL54 5XH

1947: Lord Mountbatten (Hugh Bonneville) is dispatched, along with his wife Edwina (Gillian Anderson), to New Delhi to oversee the country’s transition from British rule to independence. Mountbatten arrives hopeful for a peaceful transference of power. But ending centuries of colonial rule in a country divided by deep religious and cultural differences proves no easy undertaking, setting off a seismic struggle that threatens to tear India apart. With sumptuous period detail, director Gurinder Chadha brings to life a pivotal historical moment that re-shaped the world.



Kermode & Mayo Review

Contact: films@sevenhampton.info – tel 01242 820338
Brockhampton Rural Cinema Homepage

Sixways Clinic – Consultation on the Future of Andoversford Branch Surgery

As you may be aware, Sixways Clinic has a branch surgery in Andoversford. For some time they have been unable to make use of this site to see patients as it does not meet required standards in terms of IT and system access, privacy and infection control.

The Partners have considered a number of options in consultation with the local clinical commissioning group and in discussion with the patient participation group. They would now like to open a period of consultation with registered patients about the future of the branch surgery, and the possibility that this may be formally closed.

Please  complete the survey on this link with your views, and these will then be considered as part of the consultation.

The survey is also accessible via SystmOnline using the “questionnaires” tab.