Phone Mast Proposal for Brockhampton

Parish Council consulted about 17.5 metre lattice mast beside Bakers Wood Lane.

This pre-application consultation is on behalf of Vodafone & Telefonica (O2). The purpose of the installation is to enable the energy companies to install smart meters in the locality as well as to provide improved 2G, 3G & 4G coverage.

The Parish Council has asked why the site at Nash, where a phone mast is currently being installed for EE, was not considered suitable.

Full details about the proposal can be found on these links (PDF files). –

Letter to Parish Council

Proposed Plans

No planning application has been submitted at this time, this is a pre-application consultation.

Any comments please to the Parish Clerk.

October Lottery Result

The winning ticket in the October Double Dice Lottery Draw was

RED : 4 : 6

This ticket is currently unsold so it’s a Rollover. Next month’s prize will therefore be £100.

A number of people recently pledged their support but have unfortunately, As of Nov 1st, failed to fulfil their promise.

So everyone, get subscribing please, there are still many unsold tickets. The November prize could be yours!

Brockhampton Community Cinema

The wait is over and Brockhampton Community Cinema is re-opening its doors on Thursday 14th October.

Doors open at 7.30pm and screening will commence promptly at 8pm.

The bar will not be open for this inaugural screening.

The choice of film is yet to be made but all will be advised of it, through the usual channels, as soon as it is known.
Entry to the first screening will be free of charge to all regardless of whether or not you were previously a season ticket holder. We want to use this screening as a soft opening in order to judge the Village’s interest, enthusiasm and support for re-opening the Cinema.
We should also appreciate any suggestions and ideas to make future Cinema evenings as enjoyable and appealing as possible.
In line with the Hall’s Covid Precautions Policy, the organisers will require face masks to be worn upon entering and leaving the Hall, and moving around, and for the hand sanitiser to be used at the entrance. As far as is practicable, the organisers will arrange a “socially distanced” seating layout and will keep the Hall ventilated.
Adjustment for credit against previous unused season tickets will be made when we decide upon the cost of tickets for the forthcoming season.
Our Cinema is a wonderful facility and all involved very much hope we can expect a large and enthusiastic audience, comprising both regular and new customers.
7th September 2021