Village Hall Re-opening

The Rhodes Memorial Hall is re-opening as from Monday 19th July 2021.

Although the Government has announced the lifting from 19 July of all legal restrictions which previously affected the use of the Hall, it has placed a continuing responsibility on businesses (which for this purpose includes the Management Committee of the Hall) to take all appropriate steps to maintain the containment of the Covid 19 virus.  In its turn, the Committee will, as a condition of hiring, place such responsibility upon those hiring the Hall. These responsibilities are explained in the ‘Notice to Users’ which may be downloaded on this link (PDF).

The Show at Brockhampton 2021

The Show this year will take place on Saturday 21st August
(one week earlier than usual to avoid the bank holiday weekend)

A fun afternoon for the family
and a great opportunity to Welcome all newcomers to the 3 parishes

Dog show – Stalls – Teas – Bar – BBQ,
Children’s Races – Tug of War – Auction of Promises

For full details about the afternoon, the full schedule of classes and how to enter, how to become a ‘Friend of the Show’ etc click here (PDF)


There will be a village trail of points of interest and exhibits around the village which you can follow from a map.  To download the trail and map for you to print click here.

Although the show will be smaller than usual because of Covid-19 regulations it is hoped that families new to the villages will come along, join in and meet others.

Rhodes Memorial Hall – opening arrangements 17/5/21


Following the announcement of the latest relaxations in the lockdown, the Hall Management Committee have decided to re-open the Hall with effect from 17th May for meetings of up to 6 persons starting with the Parish Council meeting that evening. Social distancing will continue to need to be observed and face masks worn.

If the final restrictions are indeed removed as currently anticipated with effect from 21st June, the Hall will fully open on that date subject only to any continuing regulations which may be imposed by the Government as a condition of the final lifting of the lockdown.

Georgina will be taking provisional bookings now.

In recognition of the generous Government Support Grants which the Hall has received over the period of the closure of the Hall, the Committee has decided to waive all hire charges for the Hall until further notice for non-profit village user groups in the hope that this will assist those groups which had previously used the Hall to resume their activities as soon as possible. Other users will continue to be subject to the previously published hire charges.

Gordon Day