The Show began again in 1946 after the end of the Second World War, with T Hyatt, H Vernon and R Combe among others on the committee. There are still members of these families living in the village and helping with the show.
The show had been held previously at both Sandywell Park and Brockhampton Park, with some of the classes being almost the same as today and, strange as it may seem, the prize money was also not vastly different – obviously all done for the fun of it.
In 1946 there were classes for the best kept garden, the best cottager’s garden and the much coveted prize for bowling was for a weaner pig (so many people had a pig sty at the bottom of the garden!).
The produce/cookery classes etc were as now exhibited in the village hall with teas in the reading room, all served from a very small kitchen.
Years later the cookery, crafts and children’s classes were moved to the Baptist Chapel Sunday School room – then up the steps – now Chapel End. The display tables were the old wobbly trestles and pieces of board on top of upturned benches and milk crates. Once the chapel had been converted the committee with some trepidation branched out to hire the first marquee.
Hawling was by then included in the show and, for a while, Syreford came as well. The next great controversial move was to hire another marquee and take the teas out onto the field – a very successful move.
Now the show has brought itself into the 21st Century and in 2016 it was the 70th birthday of the show. There are now display tables and several gazebos plus all the old side shows with some new ones thrown in but new ideas and attractions are needed. Of course, like any other show, there have been some wonderful disagreements between the competitors but that’s another story! In the end it keeps going by the willing effort of those people, young and old, who give their time to make sure it carries on, maybe for the next 70 years, who knows!