Financial Matters

The Council adheres to Financial Regulations which were formally adopted in 2011.  Click on the following link to view.


public inspection



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Financial Regulations


notice of public inspection


The Council’s financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March.  On-going accounts are kept throughout the year and are audited both internally and by an external auditing authority.   The accounts are open to public scrutiny for a period of time each year.  The Notice of the Period of Public Rights identifying this is displayed on notice boards as well as this website together with their Status, i.e. whether the external audit is complete or not.

At the first Parish Council meeting following the end of the Financial Year, which would normally be the the Annual Parish Council meeting in May, the Council’s Responsible Officer/Clerk  submits the accounts to the Council for ratification.  Click on the links to view the resulting Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statement.

Transparency Code

The “Transparency Code” [The Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015] requires the on-line publication of Parish Council information which will provide taxpayers with a clear picture of the Council’s’ activities and increase democratic accountability.  

Under a new audit framework effective from April 2017 and in the interests of openness and transparency, Parish Councils with expenditure of less than £25,000 are required to publish information as set out in Part 2 of the Code.

This includes:

The Code states that the information specified must be published on a website which is publicly accessible and free of charge.  To access the Code in full  click here.